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  1. You're life saver!!! i'm thinking so hard and dont know how to solve and you solved it like a charm! thank you master now i succesfully login and add to cart, but then i try to post data to checkout but get error 406, in https://shopee.vn/api/v4/cart/checkout i see some req payload data like this : {"selected_shop_order_ids":[{"shopid":350605150,"item_briefs":[{"itemid":5467792469,"modelid":90152275157,"item_group_id":null,"applied_promotion_id":1223949055,"offerid":null,"price":22000000000,"quantity":1,"is_add_on_sub_item":null,"add_on_deal_id":null,"status":1,"cart_item_change_time":1609056840}],"shop_vouchers":[]}],"platform_vouchers":[]}. Then i try to post that data with my code and got result 406, what problem from my code sir ? thanks before rq.cookies.update({"csrftoken": csrf_token}) sp_header2 = {'referer' : 'https://shopee.vn/cart/' , 'content-type' : 'application / json', 'user-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36' , 'x-api-sourde' : 'pc', 'x-csrftoken' : csrf_token , 'x-requested-with' : 'XMLHttpRequest', 'x-shopee-language' : 'vi' } rq.headers.update(sp_header2) payload2= {"selected_shop_order_ids": [{"shopid":350605150, "item_briefs":[{"itemid":5467792469, "modelid":90152275157, "applied_promotion_id":1223949055, "price":22000000000, "quantity":1, "status":1, "cart_item_change_time":1609056662}], "shop_vouchers":[]}], "platform_vouchers":[]} response2 = rq.post('https://shopee.vn/api/v4/cart/checkout' , data=json.dumps(payload2)) print(response2)
  2. i just want to ask, i try to login with python request and i got this message {"version":"0075c2569e70b86c971eb1a29b9a1265","data":null,"error_msg":null,"error":1} i also test with status_code and that give number 200 that mean ok right ? so what the problem with my code? thanks before
  3. amrizal15

    [Python] Login Shope Got Error Null

    Hi i'm new member and i'm interested with discussion that this forum have and i learn many knowledge from it. i just want to ask, i try to login with python request and i got this message {"version":"0075c2569e70b86c971eb1a29b9a1265","data":null,"error_msg":null,"error":1} i also test with status_code and that give number 200 that mean ok right ? so what the problem with my code? thanks before code: import requests import random import hashlib def random_str(length): character = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' return ''.join((random.choice(character) for i in range ( length ))) def encrypt_pass(password): sha_signature = \ hashlib.sha256((hashlib.md5(password.encode()).hexdigest()).encode()).hexdigest() return sha_signature def main(): username = 'sp_user' password = 'sp_pass' r = requests.Session() response = r.get( 'https://shopee.vn/buyer/login' ) csrftoken_gen = random_str( 32 ) cookie_string = ";" .join([ str(x) + "=" + str(y) for x , y in response.cookies.get_dict().items()]) headers = { 'user-agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.cd36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36' , 'referer' : 'https://shopee.vn' , 'x-csrftoken' : csrftoken_gen , 'x-requested-with' : 'XMLHttpRequest' , 'cookie' : "csrftoken=" + csrftoken_gen + "; " + cookie_string + "SPC_CDS=" + "1" } url = "https://shopee.vn/api/v2/authentication/login" payload = { 'username':username , 'password': encrypt_pass(password), 'support_whats_app': 'true',} response = r.request("POST" , url ,headers=headers,data='{"username":"' + username + '","password":"' + encrypt_pass(password) + '","support_whats_app":true}' ) print (response.text) res = r.request("GET" , "https://shopee.vn/api/v2/user/profile/get/") print(res.content) if __name__ == '__main__' : main()
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