Whole Wheat Apple Scones

Whole Wheat Apple Scones

Made with whole wheat flour and rolled oats, these whole grain cream scones are specked with fresh apples tossed in honey and cinnamon. Only lightly sweet, they are perfect topped with a slather of apple butter or just eaten plain alongside a warm cup of tea or cider. All the spiced apple flavors you love from apple pie in a light, simple scone. In order to get a little more of that apple pie flavor, I tossed the diced apples with honey and cinnamon. This helps to sweeten up the apples and give a little extra burst of flavor. The final touch is to brush the scones with a honey/cream glaze. This imparts a final bit of sweetness and gives the scones a nice glossy finish. Light, spicy and infinitely snack-able, these scones are a perfect accompaniment to fall! YIELD: 9-10 scones


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Wheat Pastry Flour

Ingredient Image

wheat pastry flour is milled from soft white wheat, whereas regular whole wheat flour is milled from hard red wheat. It has a lower protein content than regular whole wheat flour and it makes wonderfully tender whole grain baked goods.

2 cups whole wheat pastry or white whole wheat flour

Rolled Oats

Ingredient Image

Rolled oats are traditionally oat groats that have been de-husked, steamed and then rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers before being stabilized by being lightly toasted.

¼ cup rolled oats


Ingredient Image

Common salt or table salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride, a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts; salt in its natural form as a crystalline mineral is known as rock salt or halite.

1 teaspoon table salt

Baking Powder ( Soda)

Ingredient Image

Because baking powder is a leavener that contains both the sodium bicarbonate and the flavor-saving acid, it is usually paired with non-acid ingredients like whole milk and Dutch-processed cocoa. Baking soda need an acid. Baking powder has an acid.

4 teaspoons baking powder


Ingredient Image

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum that is used in both sweet and savoury foods. The term "cinnamon" also refers to its mid-brown colour.

1 ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon


Ingredient Image

Nutmeg is one of the two spices

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg


Ingredient Image

Allspice, also called Jamaica pepper, pepper, myrtle pepper, pimenta, Turkish Yenibahar, or newspice, is the dried unripe fruit of Pimenta dioica, a midcanopy tree native to the Greater Antilles, southern ...

½ teaspoon ground allspice


Ingredient Image

Sugar is the generalized name for sweet, short-chain, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. They are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. There are various types of sugar derived from different sources.

1 tablespoon granulated sugar (optional)


Ingredient Image

Butter is a solid dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk.

5 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces and chilled


Ingredient Image

Eggs are laid by female animals of many different species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and fish, and have been eaten by humans for thousands of years.

2 eggs

Sour Cream

Ingredient Image

Sour cream is a dairy product obtained by fermenting regular cream with certain kinds of lactic acid bacteria. The bacterial culture, which is introduced either deliberately or naturally, sours and thickens the cream.

¾ cup heavy cream or half and half, plus 1 tablespoon


Ingredient Image

The apple tree is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fruit, the apple. It is cultivated worldwide as a fruit tree, and is the most widely grown species in the genus Malus.

1 cup finely diced apple (Gala or another sweet variety)


Ingredient Image

Honey /?h?ni/ is a sweet food made by bees foraging nectar from flowers. The variety produced by honey bees is the one most commonly referred to, as it is the type of honey collected by most beekeepers and consumed by people.

2 tablespoons honey

Wheat Pastry Flour

Ingredient Image

wheat pastry flour is milled from soft white wheat, whereas regular whole wheat flour is milled from hard red wheat. It has a lower protein content than regular whole wheat flour and it makes wonderfully tender whole grain baked goods.

2 cups whole wheat pastry or white whole wheat flour

Rolled Oats

Ingredient Image

Rolled oats are traditionally oat groats that have been de-husked, steamed and then rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers before being stabilized by being lightly toasted.

¼ cup rolled oats


Ingredient Image

Common salt or table salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride, a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts; salt in its natural form as a crystalline mineral is known as rock salt or halite.

1 teaspoon table salt

Baking Powder ( Soda)

Ingredient Image

Because baking powder is a leavener that contains both the sodium bicarbonate and the flavor-saving acid, it is usually paired with non-acid ingredients like whole milk and Dutch-processed cocoa. Baking soda need an acid. Baking powder has an acid.

4 teaspoons baking powder


Ingredient Image

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum that is used in both sweet and savoury foods. The term "cinnamon" also refers to its mid-brown colour.

1 ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon


Ingredient Image

Nutmeg is one of the two spices

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg


Ingredient Image

Allspice, also called Jamaica pepper, pepper, myrtle pepper, pimenta, Turkish Yenibahar, or newspice, is the dried unripe fruit of Pimenta dioica, a midcanopy tree native to the Greater Antilles, southern ...

½ teaspoon ground allspice


Ingredient Image

Sugar is the generalized name for sweet, short-chain, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. They are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. There are various types of sugar derived from different sources.

1 tablespoon granulated sugar (optional)


Ingredient Image

Butter is a solid dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk.

5 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces and chilled


Ingredient Image

Eggs are laid by female animals of many different species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and fish, and have been eaten by humans for thousands of years.

2 eggs

Sour Cream

Ingredient Image

Sour cream is a dairy product obtained by fermenting regular cream with certain kinds of lactic acid bacteria. The bacterial culture, which is introduced either deliberately or naturally, sours and thickens the cream.

¾ cup heavy cream or half and half, plus 1 tablespoon


Ingredient Image

The apple tree is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fruit, the apple. It is cultivated worldwide as a fruit tree, and is the most widely grown species in the genus Malus.

1 cup finely diced apple (Gala or another sweet variety)


Ingredient Image

Honey /?h?ni/ is a sweet food made by bees foraging nectar from flowers. The variety produced by honey bees is the one most commonly referred to, as it is the type of honey collected by most beekeepers and consumed by people.

2 tablespoons honey

Wheat Pastry Flour

Ingredient Image

wheat pastry flour is milled from soft white wheat, whereas regular whole wheat flour is milled from hard red wheat. It has a lower protein content than regular whole wheat flour and it makes wonderfully tender whole grain baked goods.

2 cups whole wheat pastry or white whole wheat flour

Rolled Oats

Ingredient Image

Rolled oats are traditionally oat groats that have been de-husked, steamed and then rolled into flat flakes under heavy rollers before being stabilized by being lightly toasted.

¼ cup rolled oats


Ingredient Image

Common salt or table salt is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride, a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts; salt in its natural form as a crystalline mineral is known as rock salt or halite.

1 teaspoon table salt

Baking Powder ( Soda)

Ingredient Image

Because baking powder is a leavener that contains both the sodium bicarbonate and the flavor-saving acid, it is usually paired with non-acid ingredients like whole milk and Dutch-processed cocoa. Baking soda need an acid. Baking powder has an acid.

4 teaspoons baking powder


Ingredient Image

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum that is used in both sweet and savoury foods. The term "cinnamon" also refers to its mid-brown colour.

1 ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon


Ingredient Image

Nutmeg is one of the two spices

½ teaspoon ground nutmeg


Ingredient Image

Allspice, also called Jamaica pepper, pepper, myrtle pepper, pimenta, Turkish Yenibahar, or newspice, is the dried unripe fruit of Pimenta dioica, a midcanopy tree native to the Greater Antilles, southern ...

½ teaspoon ground allspice


Ingredient Image

Sugar is the generalized name for sweet, short-chain, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. They are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. There are various types of sugar derived from different sources.

1 tablespoon granulated sugar (optional)


Ingredient Image

Butter is a solid dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk.

5 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces and chilled


Ingredient Image

Eggs are laid by female animals of many different species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, and fish, and have been eaten by humans for thousands of years.

2 eggs

Sour Cream

Ingredient Image

Sour cream is a dairy product obtained by fermenting regular cream with certain kinds of lactic acid bacteria. The bacterial culture, which is introduced either deliberately or naturally, sours and thickens the cream.

¾ cup heavy cream or half and half, plus 1 tablespoon


Ingredient Image

The apple tree is a deciduous tree in the rose family best known for its sweet, pomaceous fruit, the apple. It is cultivated worldwide as a fruit tree, and is the most widely grown species in the genus Malus.

1 cup finely diced apple (Gala or another sweet variety)


Ingredient Image

Honey /?h?ni/ is a sweet food made by bees foraging nectar from flowers. The variety produced by honey bees is the one most commonly referred to, as it is the type of honey collected by most beekeepers and consumed by people.

2 tablespoons honey
